
Tuesday, 27 September 2011

television as an effective medium for education

Give a brief account of the television as an effective medium for education.

On the television screen we can see the live programmes and events of national and international importance. It gives us knowledge about the happening of the world, thoughts and ideas of different people and the problems which man is facing the world. Television also provides effective medium for mass education and entertainment.

Discuss briefly the importance of the cinema as a means of mass media.

On the cinema screen we can listen to the voice of actors and actresses and see their faces and acting as well. It provides a good means of bringing home to the people various social evils and suggesting ways to eradicate them through dramas, stories, etc. in an effective manner. It is one of the very important means of mass media, because a large number of people learn many things from the cinema.

Discuss the impact of mass media on culture.

All the means of mass media occupy a very important place in the development of culture. They promote social and culture contacts between various people of the country and among the people of different countries of the world. The people learn the good features of other cultures and try to reform themselves. The audience or listeners of the mass media learn the dress, style and culture from them. Thus the mass media has great impact on culture.

Name four scientists with their special contributions in medical sciences.

The four scientists with their special contributions in medical sciences are as follows:
  1. Alexander Flamming: discovered penicillin.
  2. Robert Koch: invented the small-pox injection.
  3. Morton and Simpson: introduced anaesthesis.
  4. Laster: invented antiseptic surgery.

How has the invention of internal combustion engine led to the development of aviation industry?

The invention of the internal combustion engine at first enabled man to make motor vehicles, cars, buses, etc. Then in the nineteenth century the Wright brothers invented aeroplanes. Thenceforth, the aviation industry came into being. Thus, the invention of the internal combustion engine led to the development of aviation industry.

State the “crowning scientific achievement of the nineteenth century”.

In the nineteenth centur, Dr. Einstein discovered the Theory of Relativity. This theory led to the making of atom bomb. This is the crowning scientific achievement of the nineteenth century.

State briefly the various types of state in the temporary world according to Aristotle.

According to Aristotle states are classified into monarchy, authoritarian rule, aristocracy, socialist state and democracy.

 What is meant by monarchy according to Aristotle?   

According to Aristotle in a monarchy the power of the state is vested with the monarchy, but he rules in the interest of his subjects; but, rules in his own interest.

Define authoritarian state according to Aristotle.

According to Aristotle, the authoritarian state is the state where the autocratic ruler cares nothing for the interest of his subjects; but, rules in his own interest.

What is meant by aristocracy according to Aristotle?

According to Aristotle, in aristocracy, the power of the state is controlled by a few rich and powerful individuals who care for the welfare of the public.

What is the definition of the democratic government according to Dr. Lincoln?

According to Dr.Lincoln, a democratic government is the government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Enumerate the main features of a democratic government .

The main features of a democratic government are political equality, freedom, responsible government and active participation of citizens.

What is a democratic state in the contemporary period?

Democratic government in the contemporary period is the government in which the citizens have the right to participate in the government process and in making important decisions for the welfare of the whole society. A democratic government must fulfil responsibility towards the citizens.

What do you mean by Responsible Government in a democratic government as a define by Dr.Lincoln?

A democratic government is always responsible to the people, who have the right to change it during elections. This is just like what we are doing in India.

Explain briefly the Parliamentary Type of Government in a democratic government of today.

In a democratic government of today we can have a Parliamentary Type of Government . For example, India and England have this type of government. In a Parliamentary Type of Government the president is only the nominal or constitutional head. The real head of the government is not directly elected by the people, but he is elected by the an electoral college.

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