
Thursday, 27 October 2011


Name the following:
(a)    A group of similar or dissimilar cells having a common origin and a common function :

Ans: Tissue
(b)A group of thin walled,isodiametric ,living cells having intercellular spaces.
Ans: Parenchyma
(b)   Thick walled isodiametric dead cells having narrow lumen with small pores on the lateral walles
Ans: Sclerenchma
(d)A collection of different types of cells having a common function.
Ans: Complex tissues
(e) An angiosperm lacking vessels
Ans: Degenaria
(f)A gymnosperm which has vessels.
(g) The first formed xylem and the latter formed xylem.
Ans: Protoxylem and metaxylem.
(h) Protoxylem formed toward the periphery and metaxylem  toward the center.
Ans: Exarch and Endarch.
(i)Thin walled living cells associated with the sieve tubes.
Ans:-Companion cells.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

How was the Union of South Africa formed?

How was the Union of South Africa formed?
When the English tried to set up their colonies in South Africa, they had to face the Dutch. They fought two Boer Wars against the Dutch. By defeating the Dutch, the English could set up colonies in South Africa. In 1910 these colonies were federated to form the Union of South Africa.
How did the English become the sole master of the Suez Canal?
The Sultan of Egypt, Ismail Pasha, constructed the Suez Canal in 1858 A.D. with the help of France. The Sultan sold his shares to England. In 1908 France too sold her shares to England. Thus England became the sole master of the Suez Canal.
What was Entente Cordiale? What were its terms and conditions?
The Entente   Cordiale was a secret agreement made between England and France. The terms and conditions of this agreement were that France had to give up her claims on Egypt in return for freedom to do what she liked with Morocco.
What led to the Balkan Wars?
The Balkan Wars took place in 1912-13 A.D. Enmity arose between Russia and Austria on the Balkan issue. Austria always opposed Serbia and Russia gave Serbia blind support. This led to the Balkan Wars. Serbia was defeated in the wars.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

social system of Latin America after the second world war

Write a short note on the social system of Latin America after the second world war?
Most of the states of Latin America lack social justice.They are extremely poor and ignorant.Only the people in cities are economically advanced.But those in villages are extremely poor and live in wretched huts.They are [oliticallyt and economically dependent on the outside world.

How did the trends towards international co-operation grow?
The cold war and the atomic weapon have caused the mankind to think that without international co-operation mankind may one day be swept from the face of the earth.And to  have international co operation (a) disputes should be settled peacefully
(b) co –operation with the UNO is necessary (c) a dream for the world government arises.
(d ) hostile bloc must be put to an end (e) there should be non –interference  in the internal affair of other countries (f) various military pact must be discharged (g) nuclear test must be checked (h) imperialism  to be ended (i) disarmament to be achieved and (j) co –operation in economic field necessary

Give an account of the space research carried out by the USSR after the second world war ?

In 1957 Russia astonished the whole world by launching an artificial satellite,’Sputnik’.In 1961 the Russian cosmonaut ,Major  Gagarin became the first men to circle the earth in space.She also soon invented the long range missiles.

How had the USA made great progress in the field of space research after the second world war ?
Soviet Union launched the first satellite ,Sputnik in the earth orbit in 1957.The united states also launched her satellite,”explorer” in 1958.Upto the beginning of 1961 USA sent up thirty satellites into space

How did the USA emerge as a world power after the second world war?
After the second world war,the USA became a world power.It causes were as follows:
1.Economic help given by America during the depression of 1929 A.D :
The world has to face the worst economic depression in 1929 AD.Almost all the countries of the world were affected by it.President Roosevelt of America adopted the policy of new deal to face this depression successfully.he also helped other countries of the world to solve this economic crises.As a result America became the first – rate power in the world.

2.Helping the ALLies durin the war:
In the beginning of war Hitler occupied Poland,Norway,Denmark,Holland,Belgium,half of the france etc.He also bombarded and destroyed her various cities.At this critical moment America declared it participation in the war on the side of the allies.It is her decesive contribution to the defeat of the axis powers.It raised the morale of the allies.America rendered military and financial help to the allies.It totally changed the course of the war.The America president general Eisenhower forced Mussoloni to surrender in 1943.Japan had to surrener in 1945 when two atomic bomb were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasakhi.Thus ,America played a major role in defeating the Axis powers.This raised her power and prestige in the world.

3.America was the first country to invent Atom bomb.
America was the first country in the world to invent atomic power and to carry out successfully the first experiment of the power .Consequently she became the most powerful country in the world.

4.Assuming the leadership of the Anti-Communist group: After the second world war communism expanded under the Russian influence in Poland,Czechoslovakia,Hungary,Romania,Bulgaria,Albania etc.Thereupon the capitalist countries got alarmed and America came forward to counteract Russia to check the communist influence.Thus America assumed the leadershipof the democratic countries by concluding various aspect.It enhanced her power and prestige in the world.

5.Saving the allies from disastrous effects of the war
Though England and France were victorious in the war they gained  nothing due to heavy lost of life and property.On the contary they had to face the problem of poverty and unemployment.At this critical moment America came forward to help these countries.This enhanced the power and prestige of the USA

6.weakness of England and France: After the second world war,two piower bloc came into being,one led by the USA and the other by Russia.Though England and France came victorious,they suffered much on account of huge loss of life and property.This situation made the USA the first rate power in the world.

Who was Sun Yat Se

How can atomic energy be used for useful puposes ?
Atomic energy can be used for useful purposes in driving car,trains,rocket etc.It can also be used in extracting metals from ores and in agricultureal purposes in producing unlimited supply of food. It can also be used in curing diseases and in undertaking space travel.
Mention the chief cause of the rise of national movements in Asia after the second world war.
The imperialist countries exploited their colonies politically and economically .The colonies in Asia rose national movements after the Second World war.Its main reason was that the imperialist countries became weak after the war.

Who was Sun Yat Sen?State briefly his patriotic movement.
Sun Yet Sen was the Chinese leader of the early 20th century.He organised a political party known as Kuomintang.He organised this aprty on the lines of Russia communism.He was the founder of Chinese communism.

Who was Chiang-Kai-Shek? Describe briefly his political activities?
Chiang-Kai-Shek was the successor of Sun Yat Sen as the Chinese leader.He overthrew the government and became the president of China.He was the avowed enemy of communism.So,he imprisioned many communist leaders of china and put them to death.
What is meant by Panchsheel? Who invented it?
The five principle of co-existence are collectively known as Panshsheel.The Five principle are mutual respect,non-aggression,non-interference,equality and peaceful co-existence .It was invented by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
How did the Panchsheel of India help to maintain world peace?
The five principle of Panchsheel  form the bases of India’s foregn policy.It also offers the solution of cold war between the two opposite ideologies of communism and capitalism.Thus,it helps to maintain world peace.
What is meant by Non-aligned Movement?
After the Second World war  the World has divided into two blocs-the American bloc and Russian bloc.In order to avoid the hostility between the two blocs,the newly independent countries were determined not to join either of these two blocs.This strategy is known as the Non-aligned Movement.
Name the person who enhanced the Non-aligned Movement.What were their activities in this direction ?
Padit Jawaharlal Nehru,President Nasser of Egypt,President Tito of Yugoslavia played an important role to enhance the Non-aligned Movement .They called a conference of 29 nations at Bandung in 1955 to promote this movement.
State the main objectives of the non-aligned Movement.
The main objective of the Non-aligned Movement are world peace,removal of colonialism,peaceful co-existence among nation,condemnation of racial discrimination,opposition to military alliance,disarmament,respect of human rights,economic relation between nations and preservation of independence.

State the achievement of the Non-aligned Movement.
The Non-aligned Movement has achieved great importance in the present day world.It has become a great boon to the weak Afro-Asian countries.

Why do the newly independent countries of Asia,Africa and Latin America follow the policy of Non-alignment?
The reason why newly independent countries of Asia,Africa and Latin America followed the policy of non-alignment are as follow  (1) They do not like to join the power bloc, (2) they face a great task of economic reconstruction ,(3)They want world peace,(4) They like to pursue an independent foreign policy (5) They like to preserve their independence.
What are the economic problems of the countries of Asia,Africa and Latin America after the Second World war?
The countries of Asia,Africa and Latin America are backward economically ,as they have been exploited for a long time by imperialist countries.They need to develop their economy by any means.

Point out the social problems of the countries of Asia,Africa and Latin America after the second World War?
The greatest social problem of the countries of Asia,Africa and Latin America is their ever increasing population.Their next social problem is poverty.Further,they lack education facilities.They have the social problem of purdah system,child marriage,dowry system ,etc also.

What political problems do the people Asia,Afrca and Latin America face after the Second World War?
The countries of Asia,Africa and Latin America have to decide about the types of government they should have.They have to frame their foreign policy.They have the political problem of having an efficient administration and making laws for the welfare of the people.

How was the state of Isreal formed?
In ancient times Palastine was inhabited by the Jews.The Roman emperors turned them out and since the Arabs settled there.In 1920 AD when England occupied Palestine many jews again settled there.Hitler turned the Jews out of Germany and forced them to settle in Palestine in 1948 A.D.Then it was renamed as Isreal.
Give a brief account of Balfour Declaration and British  mandate.
In 1920 A.D Britain occupied Palestine.The she was under British mandate.British made the Balfour Declaration in 1920 A.D. to effect that the jews might settle in Palestine.

Give a brief account of the strife between the arabs and jews after the Second world war .
Palestine was the original home of the jews.But the Roman emperors turned them out of Palestine.When England acquired this country,the jew again settled there.Arbs could not tolerate it.So,a strife arose between the Jews and the Arabs.The arabs were defeated in that war.

Describe in brief  the nationalist movement of Egypt under the leadership of Gamal Abdel Nasser.
Egypt under the leadership of Abdel Nasser launced nationalist movement against Britain.Britain was asked to withdraw her troops from Egypt.The British troops were withdrawn from Egypt in 1956.

State the causes of the nationalist movement in Africa .
During the first World war Africa was dominated by the European countries like Belgium,Portugal ,Britain,France,Germany and Italy.These European exploited the countries of Africa politically and economically.They sold the people of Africa as slaves.So,nationalist movement arose in it in the 20th century.

Give a brief account of the freedom movement of Ghana in Africa.
Feeling of nationalism arose in the people of Ghana in the beginning of the 20th century against the English who occupied it.The English were compelled to give them some political rights.Dr. Nkrumah was leader of the movement.The  English gave them the right of election.Later on,Ghana achieved her freedom in 1957 A.D.
How was national movement carried on in Algeria after Second World War?
After the second World War,the national liberation front was organised in 1954 A.D. in Algeria against the French who occupied it.It organised a powerful army and declared a republican government for her.General De Gaulle,the presiden of France opened a negotiation with the national leaders.Algeria was free in 1962.

Give a brief account of the nationalist movement in Namibia after the second world war.
Just after the second World war,the U.N.O passed a mandate to the effect that South Africa should annex Namibia.But  the mandate ended in 1960.The South African People Organization was organised in 1960 for the complete liberation of Namibia from the colonial rule.It became free in 1990 A.D.